2021 Screaming Frenzy Syrah

2021 Screaming Frenzy Syrah

Produced by Licence Number: Black Swift Vineyards (308531)
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This brooding tipple gets better every dang time! Drinks like a bountiful mound of Black Cherry, Rambunctious Raspberry & a FULL Rainbow of Peppercorns. A Wild & Wonderful back/forth between Acid & Tannin. Great with a leg of lamb or even better, ground sausage meat cased into a tube-like shape served hot in a bun. Covered it in mustard or the condiment of your choosing, whatever gets you through this frenetic “dog-eat-dog” world of ours.


You might think that the sight of a German "Pale Eagle" snugly perched in the pouch of a yellow-footed wallaby is a wild figment of someone's imagination—but, dear reader, you'd be gravely mistaken. This curious creature, affectionately known as the "Wallabeagle," first arrived on our shores around the turn of the century. With it came more than just curious looks; the Wallabeagle quickly became notorious for disturbing the local balance, wreaking havoc amongst our vineyards.

But the Wallabeagle's mischief didn’t stop with the fauna. Its real power lies in an invisible yet undeniable allure—a musky charm that seems to affect only humans. For reasons unknown, BC winemakers are especially vulnerable to this hypnotic power. Symptoms? A sudden urge to wear sunglasses indoors, a strange confusion over the proper pronunciation of "Syrah," and a misguided fondness for accessorizing with scarves during the peak of summer.

But don’t despair! Through careful research (and a few glasses of wine), we’ve uncovered a cure. The solution to this intoxicating influence? Pour yourself a hearty glass of Screaming Frenzy SYRAH—underline included, thank you very much. And remember, it's SYRAH, not the other name. Accept no substitutes.

Aged for 40 months in 100% Neutral Oak Barrels with oak block inserts
100% Syrah
Alcohol: 12.8%

Regular price$33.99
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